

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

Acupuncture is used to treat a wide variety of conditions from stress, headaches and fatigue to digestive issues, stiff muscles or anxiety. In doing this, tiny needles are inserted at specific points on the body. These acupuncture points lie on channels, called meridians, that were first mapped out in China over 3,000 years ago.  One of the most striking aspects of acupuncture is the almost complete absence of adverse effects and complications from its use. Most patients find that the treatments are relaxing and cause minimal discomfort. Acupuncture is a safe technique, provided that practitioners are properly trained. It is important to inform the practitioner of your medical history, medications and if you are pregnant or could possibly be pregnant, as acupuncture treatment may have to be modified or may not be appropriate.

You don’t need to wait for your health to decline to receive an acupuncture treatment.  As a preventative medicine, you can choose to add acupuncture to your self-care routine all year long. I suggest to receive one session every change of season, in order to retain optimal health.  

*Available at all locations



To support acupuncture treatments, I also use methods of reflexology, reiki, tuning forks, cupping, acupressure massage and more. Prior to any treatment we have a discussion based on your needs and we agree on the optimal course of treatments together.



Facial rejuvenation acupuncture/

Cosmetic acupuncture

Facial acupuncture involves the insertion of fine, hair-like needles into the face and body. This process increases blood flow to the face, helps to shed dead skin cells, and can boost collagen production. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture or cosmetic acupuncture improves skin quality and youthful glow in a complete natural way.  

These services are only available at the Main Office. It is only available as a 90 minute session.



Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which special cups are placed on skin for a few minutes to create suction. The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles, Cupping helps with pain, inflammation, blood flow, boosting immunity, physical and emotional detox, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.  It is also great for all kinds of body aches and pains.  

Cupping therapy dates back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures. One of the oldest medical textbooks in the world, the Ebers Papyrus, describes how the ancient Egyptians used cupping therapy in 1,550 B.C.

*Available at all locations


Foot Reflexology

Foot Reflexology therapy is a natural therapeutic method derived from studies based on the principle that there are reflexes in the body that map to other parts, glands, and organs of the body. Through the application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology therapy can relieve tension, improve circulation, and support the body’s function to function optimally.

* 60 minute treatment is $75


Gua Sha

Gua sha is a natural, alternative therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation. This ancient Chinese healing technique may offer a unique approach to better health, addressing issues like chronic pain.


Tuning fork Biofield Therapy Halifax NS

Tuning Fork Biofield Therapy

Nadia studied alongside internationally recognized thought leader, Eileen Day McKusick in the fields of therapeutic sound and the human biofield. Biofield Tuning is based on the premise that the human biofield - the energy field that surrounds and permeates our bodies - is inextricably connected with our conscious and subconscious mind, including all of our memories. All physical, mental and emotional disorders can be perceived as "dissonance" in our energy fields. Biofield Tuning is able to diminish and resolve this dissonance and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms.



The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

During a reiki session hands are placed on or above the body moving from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, to help release and heal the body.


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Auriculotherapy (also auricular therapy, ear acupuncture, and auriculoacupuncture) is a form of alternative medicine based on the idea that the ear is a micro system, which reflects the entire body, represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear. This therapy is particularly successful for smoking cessation.




Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant materials called "moxa" are burned on or very near the surface of the skin. The intention is to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi in the body and dispel certain pathogenic influences.

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Acupressure massage

Acupressure is a massage therapy technique based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that uses finger pressure to mobilize chi — or life force energy — at specific spots on the body called acupressure points, which are also known as acupuncture points or acupoints.

Book a Treatment Session

First Session

90 minutes
includes initial detailed consultation

Follow-up Sessions

60 minutes
includes detailed follow-up consultation

Treatments are covered by most insurance plans